Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why not wear wool?

Many people do not understand the "extremes" of veganism. Many people ask "why not wear wool?" or "why not eat eggs, they don't kill the chickens". Well the point of veganism is to love animals, and that means not using them for included. Vegans believe that people do not have the right to use animals for anything, any form of animal use is considered exploitation. Exploitation means selfish or unnecessary use, and that is often how people use animals.
It is important to me to not abuse animals, just because they are here does not mean that we can use any parts of their body.

To some wool is different than leather because the animals are not killed. But would you wear a sweater made of human hair? It's pretty gross. Also lambs that are raised to be used for wool are castrated and have their tails cut off without any form of pain killers.

If more people were conscious of their buying habits it would save a lot more lives.

And no, if animals are not abused I still will not use parts of their bodies for food or clothing, it is disgusting and extremely unnecessary.

Animal lovers don't use animals, they save them.