Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why vegans do NOT buy wool products.

Want to know what you're wearing? Or how about who you are killing to wear that itchy sweater?

"Helpless lambs are forced onto their backs, and 
chunks of skin and flesh are hacked from their rumps with gardening-type shears—often without the use of anything whatsoever to numb the pain. This crude, barbaric practice is called "mulesing." This practice is intended to stop flies from laying eggs in the sheep's wrinkled skin (although there are lots of humane ways to do so) but leaves the animals with open, bloody wounds that often become infested with maggots. 

The cruelty doesn't stop there. Once some poor sheep are unable to produce enough volumes of wool to satisfy the farmers, they are shipped to slaughterhouses in the Middle East and North Africa. Each year, millions of sheep are crammed so tightly onto boats that animals who are ill or injured often collapse and are trampled to death. Some suffer exposure to the elements, including storms at sea and must stand amid their own accumulating excrement. For many, the journey is fatal. The terrified survivors are dragged from the ships and thrown into the back of trucks and cars or loaded into trucks in the heat and taken to crude slaughterhouses—only to have their throats cut while conscious." -PETA

This is the reason I do not buy wool. People think that sheep and lambs are getting their excess fluff off for the warmer months. This is not true, these animals are subjected to abuse at all times of the year.
Not only are these animals used and abused, but after humans are done harming them for their own greedy purposes...they send them off to be killed.
People that buy wool must be misinformed about this industry. (I hope.) But I know that people do not care about animals, and will abuse them for their own uses.