Sunday, July 26, 2009

RAW food

A typical dinner for me:

Spinach, cabbage, nut based pate, carrot, green beans, and a nori wrap with a raw pate and veggies.

Meals like this make me feel full and good! :)

Dessert is required too!
This was a fruity frozen treat.
Made by processing a banana, peach, lemon, lime, and spinach (for iron).

With frozen banana and peach slices on top! :)


I just found out that Lara Bar's are raw vegan! I don't know if they are good since I have never had one. But I have seem them in several stores and it got me excited that raw vegan energy bars are available in many places.
I'm sure that a lot of non-raw foodists have tried these bars not knowing that they are raw. A lot of people are scared of raw food because it is different than what they are used to.

A lot of people I know eat a lot of junk food, and disgusting meat. They do not know how to react to my raw food recipes. These people often do not want to try my food. That is sad.

I wish more people were open to raw foods, or veganism. Being vegan is what makes me who I am.

If I needed three words to describe myself they would be: happy, active, (raw) vegan.