Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julia Child and vegetarianism

Julia Child is known as a great chef and inspiration to many chefs today. She clearly did not understand vegetarian lifestyles.

From the magazine People, August 2009:
"We didn’t know many vegetarians years ago. Not eating meat became the thing to do some places in the ’60s, but the movement is much bigger in the ’90s. Personally, I don’t think pure vegetarianism is a healthy lifestyle. It’s more fear of food—that whole thing that red meat is bad for you. And then there are people who don’t eat meat because it’s against their morals. Well, there’s nothing you can do with people like that. I’ve often wondered to myself: Does a vegetarian look forward to dinner, ever?"

Wow! How times have changed! It is common knowledge that vegetarians and vegans have lower cholesterol, fewer heart problems, better skin, and live longer than meat eaters!

Although it seems that vegetarianism is a phase or a cool diet of today, vegetarianism has been around for a long time.

From this history of vegetarianism (http://www.dfwnetmall.com/veg/historyvegetarianism.htm):
"The word vegetarian is derived from the Latin vegetus which means whole, sound, fresh, lively. The first instance of its use was not found until 1842. On September 30, 1847, a group in England had the inaugural meeting of the Vegetarian Society. This original group of 140 free-thinking individuals publicly supported meatless eating. Their publication, Vegetarian Messenger, urged people to live and let live."

More people should adopt the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. While vegetarianism is often a diet, VEGANism is a lifestyle.
I am vegan because I love animals and believe that humans do not have the right to mistreat or abuse animals for their sake. Whether it be for food, clothing, or entertainment. Animals have the right to live on Earth as much as any humans do!

If you want to find out more about veganism/vegetarianism, or need some convincing to turn a new leaf; check out this great movie! You can watch it for free on the website!


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