Saturday, August 21, 2010

Omega-3 oils

I recently was asked if eating fish is o.k. because they contain 'essential' oils. This person was told by their doctor that fish is an essential part of a human diet. This is false! There are many ways that people can get Omega-3 oils in other ways. Omega-3 oils can be obtained by eating flax seeds, walnuts, and canola oil.

More and more doctors are recommending fish oil as an 'essential' part of a "healthy" diet. Eating the Omega 3's in fish oils can be helpful, but can be obtained through non-murderous, vegan ways. The FDA is now warning that due to the pollution in our oceans puts people at risk because of ingesting "troublesome levels" of mercury or PCB toxins.

p.s. Women cannot eat fish while they are pregnant. My personal view is that if something you eat would seriously harm a growing baby, you shouldn't eat it at all.

If you are not able to get enough Omega-3 oils through food sources, there are vegan pills. These are typically derived from algae (check your vegan vitamin supplier).

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