Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ben and Jerry's

Let me just start off with this quote...

' "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," a representative for Ben & Jerry's said at the time.'

Cow's milk is for the same thing. This is the main issue, that non-vegans don't understand. Cows create milk for the same exact purpose that humans do....for their babies. They would not even produce milk if they weren't impregnanted. These dairy cows are seriously maltreated, and it's an awful situation.

Why do you think that as humans get older about 50% of the population develops an intolerance to cow's milk, and products containing it? Probably because it's not something we are meant to consume.

Having ice cream made out of human breat milk is essentially the same thing as cows milk. It is ridiculous to me that people even drink cows milk, it's gross, and abusive.

Cow's milk is for baby cows, not humans, the end.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Veg families

I really want to raise my kids at least vegetarian (I won't make them be vegan). It's not going to do any harm to them, it would make them healthier. Just because people in the past have fed their children meat does not mean that I have to subject my own family to that kind of torture.

I want my family to be healthy and happy, and for me that means no meat.
I need to have a husband that can be supportive of my decision to raise my kids without the consumption of meat. When they get old enough they can decide for themselves whether or not they will be consuming dead carcasses, but hopefully they will be convinced to stay clear of rotting flesh.

I want to keep my kids healthy without meat. Meat has high fat, high cholesterol, and many chemical additives that over time can cause health issues. I fully intend on being vegan throughout pregnancies as well as the rest of my life, and it would be great to have healthy vegetarian kids. Kids that care about the lives of others, and are animal lovers. I hope that this will create a loving family dynamic, one that cares for the lives of other beings as well as all people. I hope that my family will be accepting and enthusiastic about this lifestyle.

I don't think it's unrealistic to want a healthy, loving family...I hope this can be achieved successfully.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

fake "vegetarians"

People who call themselves "vegetarians" but really are not make me mad.

If you eat things containing chicken you are not a vegetarian.
If you "only occasionally eat meat", I don't're not a vegetarian.

It just is stupid to me when people are like "Oh you're a vegan, well I'm a vegetarian, but I eat chicken."
Are you kidding me? Oh, do you only eat the most abused animal used for meat production.

Also I do not like it when ignorant people get into arguments with me about being vegan and that it doesn't matter. Actually it matters a lot, one person can make a difference. Americans eat a lot of meat on average, if you completely cut out meat from your diet you would save a lot of lives.
I do not want to hear about how you think that eating meat is fine, no it's not. So stop telling me that killing animals is ok.
I have had people tell me that animals were put on earth for us to kill, no the clearly were not.
If that's the case, then you were clearly put here to give me a headache.

Seriously, it makes me really angry when people try to tell me that there's no point in being vegan and that other people will still eat meat. Well get out of my face, I do not want to talk to you. No, I don't want to hear about how stupid you are. You probably think it's ok for cows to have stakes driven through their skulls as a form of "humane" killing. Or chickens to have their beaks clipped off without any pain killers.
Meat production as well as dairy production is absolutely disgusting and not all right.

For those of you that know me, or anything about the dairy industry, think of it this way...

there is a little piece of veal in every glass of milk.

Monday, November 3, 2008


So pretty much I would just like to start off by saying that animal rights is the most important thing to me. I am a strict vegan, and I would go out of my way to help animals. It's hard being around people that eat meat. To me it's like they are killing animals. I just don't understand how people can eat meat and not feel bad about it.

It just seems like people would feel bad for indirectly committing murder. I think that some people are just ridiculous. People should realize by now that meat is not a neccessity and it is definitely not needed to survive.
I don't care if you like meat, it's absolutely disgusting...and chances are if you eat meat you're pretty gross. I just wish that people would actually care, I mean I feel like most people would care if they killed a person. So how can you not care about animals?

I just need to get more people to understand that eating meat is wrong. It's gross.

Also I would like to say that hunting is not cool. Going out and murdering innocent unprotected lives does not count as a sport. It's not fun, and people that hunt are evil.

It's hard to accept that somebody that's close to me could say that they understand how I care about this, and support me, but yet still eat meat. It's hard to try to explain that it makes me sad. I know that it's not me eating the flesh of the slaughtered innocent animals, but's hard.

Animal right is the most important thing to me, and I fully intend on being vegan for the rest of my life. Hopefully more people will realize that meat is murder.