Monday, November 3, 2008


So pretty much I would just like to start off by saying that animal rights is the most important thing to me. I am a strict vegan, and I would go out of my way to help animals. It's hard being around people that eat meat. To me it's like they are killing animals. I just don't understand how people can eat meat and not feel bad about it.

It just seems like people would feel bad for indirectly committing murder. I think that some people are just ridiculous. People should realize by now that meat is not a neccessity and it is definitely not needed to survive.
I don't care if you like meat, it's absolutely disgusting...and chances are if you eat meat you're pretty gross. I just wish that people would actually care, I mean I feel like most people would care if they killed a person. So how can you not care about animals?

I just need to get more people to understand that eating meat is wrong. It's gross.

Also I would like to say that hunting is not cool. Going out and murdering innocent unprotected lives does not count as a sport. It's not fun, and people that hunt are evil.

It's hard to accept that somebody that's close to me could say that they understand how I care about this, and support me, but yet still eat meat. It's hard to try to explain that it makes me sad. I know that it's not me eating the flesh of the slaughtered innocent animals, but's hard.

Animal right is the most important thing to me, and I fully intend on being vegan for the rest of my life. Hopefully more people will realize that meat is murder.


Ben said...

Hey Laura, it's your big awesome brother here. You know I love you and all that, and you know I've always been behind you on this, and I've always been the last person to say anything bad about you being vegetarian. When we used to go to grandma's house and she wouldn't make anything for you (when you were first a vegetarian) and mom and dad would always say things like "well you can just eat some meat, right? it's better than not eating." Well, maybe not that exact quote, but you know... I've always stood up for you on this, and I definitely have no problem continuing to support you.

I don't disagree that killing animals is gross. I don't disagree with anything you will tell me about the treatment of animals. I acknowledge that there are far too many cases of abuse of animals and improper treatment. However, me eating them does not mean I do not care about animals. I do care a lot about animals. I don't think me eating meat makes me a bad person, or that it should make you think less of me. I have never thought less of you for being a vegetarian, or then when you took the next step and became a vegan.

I will not make that transition for myself, but you have to understand that if you want respect from people on your diet, you have to respect theirs as well. My dietary choices does not mean in any way that I think any less of you. And I would hope that you would not look down on your own brother because I choose to eat meat. I do support you, Laura, but I do eat meat as well. I am aware of all the issues surrounding it, and do not think they're unimportant. You're still my sister, I'm still your brother, and hopefully we still can love each other as such. I hope you can continue to see me as someone you want to be in consistent contact with for the rest of your life, even though I eat meat.

LA said...

Well obviously I still want to be in contact with you.
But I do think that people that eat meat does mean you don't care about animals.
That's probably the most hypocritic thing ever.
That would be like if I said I loved a certain species of tree but paid a company to cut them down.
People that eat meat do not truely care about animals. You don't kill what you love. I am just do deeply involved with the whole animal rights issue.
I understand that people want to eat meat, but I don't understand why. I think that people who eat meat are just behind the times. I hope that someday everybody will see that eating animals doesn't make any sense at all.
I mean let's face it even just being vegetarian is...
better for the environment
better for your health
and saves the lives of animals.
Statistically speaking vegetarians have fewer health problems and live longer lives....I thought I would throw that out there since you're a big stats guy.
I just want people to understand the cruelty that goes on and hopefully get some people to change how they think about the world.
It's not that I just eat vegetarian...I live a vegan lifestyle.
I do not wear anything from animals (wool, silk, leather etc) or eat anything, and even go to reliable sources to find which large corporations test on animals and specifically boycott any products made by them. I buy cruelty free makeup from vegan sites, and am always looking for ways to help animals through my personal choices.
It is the most important thing to me, and I hope that someday more people will feel the same way.

Ben said...

I guess if you want to look at it that way, you can. I'm not stopping you from being vegan. That's your life choice. But telling other people to stop the way they're living because you disagree with it is no different than me criticizing you for your diet and telling you to stop. I respect you for your diet decisions, and am never going to try to force you to change. That's what you want to do, and I respect your decisions. I would expect that same respect in return from you. You can't just force people to change the way they are because that's what you believe. Your entire family, your boyfriend, and some of your friends eat meat. I don't know why you think all of us are so disgusting. We still love you the same... and you thinking that lowly of us frankly is hurtful. I'm not going to stop eating meat anytime in the near future. I realize that you hope one day everyone will realize it's murder. I hope one day that you will think of those of us who eat meat as highly as you used to.

Huy said...

I concur with Ben

LA said...

I don't think lowly of you for eating meat.
It's just hard for me to understand why anybody would want to.
It's not like I'm never questioned for my diet. People are constantly criticizing my decisions.

A couple of weeks ago a guy told me that animals were put on earth for us to kill, and he doesn't know why we wouldn't eat them.

Earlier today a guy told me that he hates vegans, right after he found out that I am vegan.

It's pretty hard to actually care about something and have people putting me down for it.

It's not like people that eat meat (well sane people) do so because they think that animals deserve to be slaughtered. It must be because they do not know what happens, or just care about themselves.

I do not like argue with people about why I am a vegan and I do not like defending myself to strangers (usually idiotic guys that think hunting and fishing is cool) about why animals should not be killed.

Ben said...

You obviously do think less of everyone who eats meat. You say we are all insane, selfish, and ignorant.
I eat meat, yet I am still sane, I do things for people, and I do know plenty about the meat industry. I have seen chickens in their 1 foot by 1 foot cages and being kicked out of the way. I have seen pigs on their 2 inch chains. I know cows are force-fed chemicals to make them be pregnant all the time.
I'm sorry that people criticize you for your diet. But I hope you realize that you're turning around and doing the exact same thing you're complaining about.

J-Rich said...

I would just like to chime in because I stumbled across this and was very intrigued. First off I just want to say that I respect you Laura for your decision to be a vegan, and this is in no way supposed to undermine you or your chosen lifestyle, but I just have this to say. It sounds to me as if you love all animals and respect them immensely, but humans are scientifically carnivores. Just like bears or lions who also eat meat, but that doesn't mean that they are evil animals. I'm sure you still care about them just like you care about your hamster. Humans are animals with urges, and an urge for some people is to eat meat just like other creatures in the animal kingdom. So, I think that your plea to us meat eaters shouldn't be for us to change our lifestyle, but to be more aware of the meat that we are eating and to make sure that the animal is killed in the most humane way possible. People could do this by buying meat organic or from a local farm. So that is my take on the topic, and I would just like to conclude by saying that I miss you guys and killer beez for life.

LA said...

There is no humane way to slaughter innocent animals.

But, I miss you too! haha