Wednesday, November 5, 2008

fake "vegetarians"

People who call themselves "vegetarians" but really are not make me mad.

If you eat things containing chicken you are not a vegetarian.
If you "only occasionally eat meat", I don't're not a vegetarian.

It just is stupid to me when people are like "Oh you're a vegan, well I'm a vegetarian, but I eat chicken."
Are you kidding me? Oh, do you only eat the most abused animal used for meat production.

Also I do not like it when ignorant people get into arguments with me about being vegan and that it doesn't matter. Actually it matters a lot, one person can make a difference. Americans eat a lot of meat on average, if you completely cut out meat from your diet you would save a lot of lives.
I do not want to hear about how you think that eating meat is fine, no it's not. So stop telling me that killing animals is ok.
I have had people tell me that animals were put on earth for us to kill, no the clearly were not.
If that's the case, then you were clearly put here to give me a headache.

Seriously, it makes me really angry when people try to tell me that there's no point in being vegan and that other people will still eat meat. Well get out of my face, I do not want to talk to you. No, I don't want to hear about how stupid you are. You probably think it's ok for cows to have stakes driven through their skulls as a form of "humane" killing. Or chickens to have their beaks clipped off without any pain killers.
Meat production as well as dairy production is absolutely disgusting and not all right.

For those of you that know me, or anything about the dairy industry, think of it this way...

there is a little piece of veal in every glass of milk.


Huy said...
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Kristie said...

LAURAA! It's Kristie! I forgot I had one of these for my mass media class ha.

ANYWAY, I just wanted to say that I don't care for fake vegetarians either *ahem*

Sadly, I used to be one though... when I was like 14 and before I really understood why I was vegetarian. But now that my heart is in it and I realized how important it is to help save the animals, I just don't ever want to eat meat again. I look at it and literally want to throw up, I just picture pigs getting beaten and all kinds of gruesome things that it makes me ill.

I thought about eating meat when I got pregnant so that I would be able to get proper nutrients, but I did some research and it would be just as easy as being vegetarian now, and much healthier. So now I don't ever have to eat meat again :)

I feel a lot better about myself as a person (not entirely because I do sometimes consume eggs, cheese and milk - in cooked things, but I try to avoid it as much as I can). The fact that I consumer dairy still makes me feel like crap, but at this point in time I feel like it's very hard for me to go vegan, especially with eating college food. When I go home, I do not have supportive parents either, they don't even want me to be vegetarian. Like I said, I try to eat as little dairy as possible, plus I hate milk, but when I do eat it I feel so bad :(

I think the main problem with fake vegs are that they don't know what they're following the diet for, or they're doing it for selfish reasons. They're severely misinformed and need to do some research about what it really means to be vegetarian.

I also don't understand when people are like, "OH you're vegetarian that's so cool - so you eat fish and chicken sometimes?" I'm like um never, actually, those are dead animals and not part of a vegetarian diet, you idiot.

Bunch of dummies.